Homeless Capsule – PCSA008/FSG
The homelessness phenomena, such as it presents itself today in Mozambique’s society, can be considered as being very recent. The characteristics of the population who begs every day in the streets or spends the night there, has changed in the past decade. It’s possible to see every day on the cities streets, people of different ethnicities, sex and ages who turn to mendicity.
It conveyed the notion that mendicity was inevitable for those who were considered as incapable to provide for their own upkeep.
The word homeless focuses the problem in the lack of housing, in this sense, we consider in this definition of homeless all those who sleep on the street or in alternative temporary spaces in the absence of a home, However, this definition can and should be seen in a broader sense which includes poverty and exclusion.
Having in mind the high level of mendicity in the country and the world, the Sérgio Gago Foundation created the project The Homeless Capsule with the humble gesture of lending a hand to those in need, offering a covered bed, for one person, flexible and portable that serves as a shelter for a“homeless person”while this person is subjected to the different weather conditions and daily needs, thus providing the minimum of human conditions for this group of vulnerable people.
We intend to work in cooperation with the Government of Mozambique trough the Ministry of Gender and Social Action and local governments in agreement with their strategies of support for those in need to guarantee transparency during the implementation.
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